East Coast Town Council

SDST Coating on Lift Buttons

April 30, 2020

CAG had sponsored us the disinfectant solution earlier and had since been applied on our lifts’ buttons in end-March.

The coating is known as sdst, it is applied in Changi Airport to better protect its passengers, visitors and staff. The solution kills bacteria, viruses and fungi upon contact. It remains in place, even with repeated scrubbing and cleaning, as chemical bonding agents help it to adhere tightly to surface at a molecular level. The coating is known to last up to 90 days, which is June in our estates.

CAG had conducted a site audit last month. After weeks of application, the site audit yields a result of 51, which is well below the score of 250 (It is less effective if the score is above 250). It proved that the coating actually last.

Town Council is still disinfecting the lift buttons every day. This is to continue to provide assurance to our residents despite the 90 days lasting effect. We appreciate residents not to press the lift button with sharp objects as it could scrap the coating off. Thank you!

However, we should continue to wash our hands frequently and observe personal hygiene. Let’s all play a part in keeping everyone safe!

Last modified: June 12, 2020

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